Greater Maricopa Foreign Trade Zone

FTZ Benefits
- Eliminating delays in customs clearance
- Eliminating duty drawback
- Avoiding duty on waste or scrap
- Relief from inverted tariffs
- Savings in processing fees
- Reclassifaction to Class 6 property resulting in real and personal property tax reductions
Application Process
Procedures for Sponsorship of Applications to the Foreign-Trade Zones and Activation of Zone Sites.
The Greater Maricopa FTZ (GMFTZ) No. 277 serves the communities of the West Valley and is a resource for foreign trade zone (FTZ) inquiry and community engagement.

The U.S. Foreign Trade Zones (FTZ or Zone) program was created by the FTZ Act of 1934, in order to “expedite and encourage foreign commerce” in the United States. By definition, an FTZ is a government-designated site where foreign and domestic materials remain in a kind of international commerce limbo. Imports may flow directly into the Zone and be held there indefinitely duty free. Duty is assessed only when those goods are shipped out of the Zone and into the United States marketplace.
Browse FTZ Locations
Looking for the perfect FTZ location for your business? Use our interactive search tool for a complete listing of available FTZ locations in the Greater Maricopa area.
For more information about doing business in Western Maricopa County, please also visit: